
An Independent School ½ûÂþÌìÌà - Video Guides

We regularly host live information sessions, where we invite experts from across the independent school sector to cover the key topics our parent and student clients ask us about. We hope you find the recordings informative, and would be happy to hear from you to offer more personal and specific advice.

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The Journey to Oxbridge

Mary is joined by University Admissions Consultant Rob Butler and Principal of Abbey College Cambridge, Dr Julian Davies. They outline the attraction of Oxbridge, what makes the universities different, how the application process differs, and how to start your journey towards a successful application.


Studying Medicine in the UK

Oxford International College's Yasmin Sarwar, and UCL Med student Anjali Parmar share insights into what UK Med schools are looking for and whether you have what it takes. ½ûÂþÌìÌà Advisers' Mike Fanya provides an overview of how to apply and explains more about the application support service we provide.


Studying the IB in the UK

Mary is joined by the Headmistress of Marymount London, Margaret Giblin, and Emma Mitchell, Director of IB at Whitgift School. We are also joined by a former IB Diploma student who shares her own experiences. They answer questions about studying the IB in the UK, comparing it with the traditional British curriculum and expanding on why it is such a useful curriculum to prepare students for an ever-changing world.


Using League Tables and How to Find the Right School

Our MD Mary Murayama explains the value of exam league tables when choosing an independent school in the UK. She asks Mr Neil Hawkins, Principal of Concord College, how his school always achieves some of the best academic results and university progression. Our client Mr John Zhang joins to share his experience of finding the best fitting school for his son.


Choices at 16+

We are joined by careers guidance counsellor, Anna Jones, and a current 6th form student to look at why a pupil might change school for 6th form and the considerations they need to make about curriculum, subject choice, and finding the right independent school. Our client Astride joins to share her experiences of moving from a girls' boarding school to a co-ed 6th form college. We also offer advice on how to prepare a strong 6th form appliction for September 2022.


GCSE and A-Level Results Day Clinic

Our MD Mary Murayama is joined by Alistair Brownlow of Rochester Independent College. They outline the different exam result scenarios students might face this year, covering UCAS Adjustment, Clearing, appeals and resits.


Global Space Design Challenge 2021, held at Imperial College London

Global Space Design Challnege founder, Dr Randall Perry, runs us through the residential and online courses being held at Imperial College London this summer 2021. A must watch for budding STEM students aged 15 to 18.



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