
Day School Advice
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School Advice Services

Our private school advice services are provided by our team of experienced consultants. We pride ourselves on giving impartial advice to help parents find schools which best suit your child. 

If you have a particular school already in mind, you should be able to see more information using our Find a School Search Tool.

If you need help identifying schools or managing admissions, we would love to hear from you. 

Private School Advice Service for Parents

Most consultations start with a free initial phone conversation of up to 30 minutes to discuss your requirements and outline the school selection and application process. Please just complete an enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Providing we can help, we offer parents our comprehensive advice service, during which we will gain a deeper understanding of your child's needs and mentor them through the process. We will give you specific school recommendations, counsel, and manage applications on your behalf. In some cases this may be free of charge for a limited range of boarding schools or private sixth form colleges. In others we may charge a consultancy fee.

Our value is in making sure you are considering the right schools for your child, and helping to attain offers from your favourites. 

By submitting an Enquiry Form or phoning us on 01622 813870 you do not incur any fees, but it enables us to assess your case and move forward to the free initial consultation phase at which point we will supply you with written terms and conditions and our basis for completion of your assignment.

School recommendations

Each case is unique and we spend time getting to know each client's specific needs, and understanding your aspirations for your child. We take into account any special interests and your preferences for certain types of school, and will raise all considerations you need to make to help us establish which schools are most suitable for your child.

We only recommend schools that will be suitable for your son or daughter and where they have a good chance of success.  Depending on your requirements, our initial recommendations might start with up to 10 to 15 schools. By a process of elimination, this will be reduced to your shortlist which is usually in the region of 3 to 5 schools.

The next stage is typically for you to visit schools and refine your targets before registering for admission, although in some cases we may recommend that your child is registered and sits admissions tests before you visit. In either case we can arrange appointments with schools and advise on travel arrangements.

Clients are provided with a comprehensive checklist with a 30-point questionnaire for your visits to ensure that you cover all the essential areas for discussion. It is important not to leave any stone unturned.

We are based in Wateringbury, Kent which is about an hour from London by train or car. Consultations mainly take place by phone, email or skype – so please ensure you provide us with accurate contact details. You are welcome to visit our offices in Kent by prior appointment only.

+44 1622 813870


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